
English Punishment Series 7
English Punishment Series 7Bottom Price - The attractive Manager sends them to the training room for what she considers is a fairand just punishment. The girls feel humiliated when it is time to bare their bottoms in front of theirsuperior for a hand spanking. The store policy for many years is that persistent offenders receive a hardbeating with the paddle, which distresses the impertinent young women even more. But wait... once that isfinished, the cane is brought out and is used quite effectively on the naughty Asian girls already sorebottom.Pert Little Bottom - The owner of a successful advertising firm becomes irate when a pair of hissecretaries crash his newest and most expensive computer program. There is no alternative in his mind than tobeat the young women's attractive bottoms until they become as red as his face has gone. The secretaries arestripped naked and given spankings, followed with severe canings. Mr. Limplock then feels confident thatreparations have been administered.Well Done Lavinia - When the two young women that Lavinia appoints to handle an importanttasting party do a shoddy job, she must persuade them to undergo a discipline lesson with their employer. Ifshe is unsuccessful, she will lose her well-paying job. She hopes that her powers of persuasion are strongenough to relieve them of their overcoats and then prepare them for the inevitable hard thrashing they mustendure at the hands of Mr. Van Dreisen and his trusty cane.Working Girl - The job foreman is furious! Not only are his deadlines looming, he has to put upwith a useless, irresponsible employee and deal with the animosity of the rest of the crew. She is the boss'sdaughter, earns as much as they do and doesn't have to do anything. She is late again today so he bends herover his workbench for a hard spanking on her smooth, large ass. And even after he threatens her withcontinued sessions like this if he finds her slacking off later in the day. So the cane is brought out for asevere thrashing of her bare ass.True Artist - A local artist has won a lucrative contract to paint a series of pictures for awealthy Arab. The scenes depicting beautiful young women being disciplined by spanking and caning areintended to decorate his harem. Models are brought in to pose for the paintings but are somewhat shocked whenasked to perform the task for real. You see, the artist just can't get a feel for the subject unless he seesthe glowing red skin and inevitable welts from the painful punishment administered on their bottoms.
Views: 8
Duration: 59 mins.
Released Date: Jan 19, 2008
Category: Porn Movies
Genres: British, Fetish, International, Spanking, Spanking - F on F, Spanking - M on F
Studio: California Star Productions
Release: 2008
Keywords: , Porn Movies, California Star Productions, British, Fetish, International, Spanking, Spanking - F on F, Spanking - M on F, 2008 , English Punishment Series 7 , Porn Movies, California Star Productions, British, Fetish, International, Spanking, Spanking - F on F, Spanking - M on F, 2008 , English Punishment Series 7