Watch Jersey Shore XXX: A Black Parody Porn Online Free

Jersey Shore XXX: A Black Parody

Jersey Shore XXX: A Black ParodyThe porn parody of all porn parodies this summer! An all-star black cast, starring the insatiable Simone Taylor as fireball Pookie. Taylor knocks this out of the park! Watch out - if you mess with her, she'll lick your ass. Stacy Adams stars as Z-Wow, and her rack explains her moniker. Other players include such Nubian talent as Cassidy Clay, Melody Nakai, and Imani Rose. On the male side, CJ Wright stars as Ron E; Nat Turner stars as Joey C; and Prince Yahshua stars as The Engima. This fist-pumping, gang-banging, totally horny cast tells the story of how the real summer crowd gets turned on using the ocean and sandy beaches of New Jersey as its background.